

Project by

Chang Cheng, Adrien Delvaux,
Simone Piersigilli, Slate Werner, Zhou Zhou

Ateles is a tail-like, additive prosthesis designed to enhance the motion and locating abilities of astronauts during micro-gravity.

Our vision is to give this biological function, lost to humans by time, a new meaning in the frontier of space - a simultaneous process of evolution and reverse-evolution. Once fitted to the user’s torso, Ateles acts a synthetic limb, allowing the wearer to lock their position in 3D space without the use of natural hands or feet.

The function is inspired by the prehensile tails found on arboreal primates.

At the core of Ateles is the tail itself, consisting of around thirty faceted modules connected by a woven band. The tail transforms from a soft, flexible belt into a semi-ridged structure with the twist of a dial. Upon engagement, bands running through the tail modules contract, applying pressure between each of the modules and rigidizing the structure.

When not in use, the prosthesis wraps comfortably around the wearer’s waist and secures into the front of the harness.

The Ateles concept aims to define a new functional language of enhanced mobility for all people operating beyond the terrestrial boundaries of earth.

The harness is constructed from an assembly of 3D-knit mesh for breathability, EVA foam for cushion, and ridged plastic for structure.