

Project by

Caterina Arcagni, Yilin Liu,
Marco Magni, Ramón Molina, Ying Wang

TAP is a contact and communication device that aims to help communication inside of the ISS for deaf astronauts.

TAP helps deaf astronauts with its two main functions. The first one is to work as Contact Tool and the second one as a Socialization Aid. Both use vibration and lights to work. Contacting works through a simple touchpad that allows to select the other astronaut and send a vibration on their shoulder-pads.

TAP facilitates contact and eases communication.

The Socialization Aid turns on when in proximity with two or more astronauts. When this happens the lights of the who is speaking will turn on to give a visual clue as to who is speaking at any given moment, helping deaf people follow the conversation with more ease.

A part from the light, the shoulder-pad will also vibrate form the direction of the speaker, stirring the wearer in their direction.

With these functions, Tap will help deaf and hard of hearing astronauts interact with the community on board in a natural way, by giving visual and physical information that replaces the stimulus given by noise and auditory information. While at the same time allowing for a new way of communicating for hearing people.