

Project by

Farida Agzamova, Li Rui, Chen Yanchi,
Chong Zi En, Zhang Chaoyi

We are focusing on hand disabilities, the use of flexible hands to perform a variety of complex tasks.

We've made a wearable product that can assist people with hand injuries or certain hand disabilities in the space environment to carry out simple daily operations with simple mechanical cooperation aimed to create a powerful, compact product like a swiss-army knife.

Chibai is a 3D printed multi-functional,  modular tool that helps improve manoeuvring and dexterity of users in ISS who have temporarily injured their hands while on a mission.

It is made up of a base, along with 4 different attachments to overcome different important tasks that users encounter such as holding toothbrush, holding ipad or any flat surface devices, (un)zipping zips, and grabbing on a handle bar.

Using small magnets and a simple locking mechanism, 2 attachments can be attracted and snapped in place together and twisted to secure the 2 objects together for ease of use.

Overall, Chibai aims to become a multi-functional tool to solve as many scenarios as possible for future astronauts with hand mobility issues, such that the eligibility of being an astronaut can be inclusive for all users.