

Project by

Ka Chun Chow, Anna Dondini, Nuño Gonzàlez Rebaque,
Elisa Melodia, Niccolò Maria Oliva, Elena Valle, Zihan Xie

Daphne is an undervest encapsulating
Spirulina-filled patches,
strategically positioned to shield sensitive organs from radiation.

The concept aims at tackling one of the most relevant issues connected with living on the moon: radiation exposure. It relies on Spirulina's documented resistence and ability to capture radioactive isotopes to protect astronauts during their journeys.

The patches also leverage the cyanobacterium’s unique anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, by soothing the skin of the wearer.

Daphne will make future life on the moon safe for everyone.

Future space hubs - such as the Moon Village - could host cultivation tanks which allow to easily refill one’s patches with fresh algae when needed.

Scattered through public areas, these huge vessels will become landmarks and hotspots for socialization.

This particular moment in the life of the new moon inhabitants will be perceived as a moment of sharing the experience and meeting with the other people.

Prototype in 1:1 scale