

Project by

Chang Cheng, Adrien Delvaux,
Simone Piersigilli, Slate Werner, Zhou Zhou

The Lunavera project leverages the cultivation processes, growing rituals, and aesthetic ambiance of algae production to create a new biologic landscape on the lunar surface.

Lunavera’s intention is to create an environment that supports a deep connection to a new lunar biology and to fellow lunar inhabitants, while, simultaneously, a necessary disconnection from daily activities, which is often facilitated by natural experiences on earth, and currently absent on the moon.

A new season of life and growth has landed on the moon.

The proposed installation within the lunar village consists of an inflatable pavilion which encapsulates a “forest” of novel, vertical bioreactors and multi-purpose space reserved for leisure activities. The system of trees creates a dynamic forrest rich with natural and synthetic biological agendas.

Each “tree” is a self-contained bioreactor and completes all necessary functions of algae cultivation.

While the concept is overtly focussed on algae production, the exciting innovation opportunities are in using algae production to enhance human wellbeing, both terrestrially and extra-terrestrially.

The decentralized mechanics of these trees allow the production facility to easily resize to meet the needs of varying lunar populations without significant modifications to infrastructure.