

Project by

Qingxia Li, Ruonan Zheng, Silong Luo,
Wanying Zhao, Zhuoying Liao

Folder is a
home-used lighting product for spirulina
growing and harvesting in the lunar base.

With a special structure design and an appearance design, Folder also works as a decent lighting device and provides a supplement to the lighting system of the lunar base.

Considering the restrictions of the lunar context, we put “simple” and “feasible” as our main design criteria. We not just simplify the user’s actions during the whole process, but design a foldable structure which allows users to decide different volumes of spirulina liquid.

Foldable structure

When users press the top, the foldable structure is compressed by the hose and the liquid (spirulina) inside will discharge to the bottom tank through a valve. Users can then take the tank out and get the spirulina liquid.

Light adjusting

Users can move the top to adjust the lighting area. When the top is closed, the led strip inside the bioreactor keeps on working to support the spirulina growing. When it reaches the daily lighting limit for spirulina growing, the brightness of the led strip will be turned down automatically, to avoid the overexposure.

Residents can benefit from spirulina both physically and psychologically.

Passionate love of life and of all alive green vitality is a biologically normal instinct of human beings. We believe that even when humans live in the lunar base, such spiritual expectations still exist.

By applying the biophilic design methodology, we build up a close connection between residents and natural elements, through the artificially cultivated spirulina inside the lunar base. The cultivating process also provides the astronauts with a positive mental stimulation and, improves their physical well-being and satisfaction towards lunar life.