

Project by

Matteo Corradini, Lars Lampani, Elena Scarpelli,
Alexandra Spassov, Zixin Zheng

Viridis is a double face design solution. It has been thought to ensure the presence of spirulina algae in the lunar environment.

It represents the bridge with mother earth, the contact with nature on the barren moon. Spirulina has become the way to preserve the contemplation of it as much as its ability to give humans nourishment, even if miles away from home. 

The project is made of two parts then.

Galaxy is where the spirulina growing process takes place and it is also the symbol of the collective sharing of nature.

This tank follows all the algae growing process’ steps from the beginning to the end. Spirulina grows into the central sphere, where it is lulled and where it is also provided the necessary amount of light for the algae photosynthesis. After this step, through a magnetic force driven by the base, the external ring centrifuges spirulina, making it mellow and ready to eat.

The compound is then injected through the three external pockets into seven small soft gems. They take place as embellishment all along the wearables’ curves thanks to underneath magnets. Each of them represents the daily spirulina intake for a one-week stay on the moon so future lunar inhabitants will be able to always bring with them their daily
wellbeing pills.

Mantis and Butterfly are the two unisex wearable proposals that, together with the gems, represent the intimate attachment that humans establish with nature.

This justifies the organic and enveloping shapes with which the user can feel restored and always at ease in his new lunar home.

Prototype in 1:1 scale