

Project by
Alberto Milano, Davide Stefani, Helen Behranu,
Mary Shipley, Sabrina Gadotti

Soul seeks to improve the psychological well being of astronauts while simultaneously providing the life sustaining nutrition of spirulina algae.

Though advancing technology has improved our ability to physically adapt in the harsh environment of space, the emotional needs of those entrusted to explore space cannot be broken down into hard data. With this in mind, Soul was born.

Soul is made up of two primary parts: a removable belly and a stationary base.  

The belly section consists primarily of a translucent silicone water tank used to cultivate the spirulina algae. Within the tank is a glowing ‘eye’ integrated with an adaptable AI program that interacts and prompts daily activities for astronauts. 

The fixed base is where the harvesting and feeding of the algae takes place. When the eye indicates the algae is ready to harvest, the astronaut simply squeezes, or hugs the belly to push the spirulina through the edible filter. The algae is then immediately ready to be eaten.