

Project by

Shangyi Bai, Federico Fanucchi,
Nicole Pinardi, Wei Qin, Rebecca Squeri

Tide is a vertical photobioreactor designed to emphasize the movement of the water that is necessary to grow spirulina algae.

It is specifically designed to be inserted inside a village built on the moon, where astronauts could spend up to 6 months. Spirulina, thanks to its extraordinary nutritional properties, could become a fundamental element for the nutrition of the inhabitants of the moon. Because of the potential that these algae have, this product aims to grow a small batch of them for personal consumption by the astronauts.

Something unique and unreplicable on Earth.

Because gravity on the Moon is equivalent to 1/6 of the terrestrial one, Tide is made up of very organic and nature-inspired shapes, giving it almost a sculptural look, that both resembles and aids the path of the water flowing down from the top to the bottom.

The path of the liquid is carefully designed to alternate different behaviors of the water emphasizing the beauty of this process.